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Create Stunning Hand Drawn Photoshop Action Effects in Minutes

What is Hand Drawn Photoshop Action and How to Use It?

Do you want to turn your photos into realistic and detailed sketches with just a few clicks? If so, you might be interested in hand drawn Photoshop action, a powerful and easy-to-use tool that can help you create amazing effects in minutes.

Hand Drawn Photoshop Action

In this article, we will explain what hand drawn Photoshop action is, how it works, and why you should use it. We will also show you some examples of hand drawn Photoshop action effects that you can download and use on your own photos.

What is Hand Drawn Photoshop Action?

Hand drawn Photoshop action is a type of Photoshop action that automates the process of creating a sketch effect from a photo. A Photoshop action is a set of commands that performs a specific task on an image, such as applying filters, adjustments, or effects.

With hand drawn Photoshop action, you can create highly detailed and realistic sketch effects that look like they were drawn by hand. You can use it on any photo, whether it's a portrait, a landscape, or an object. You can also customize the effect by changing the settings, layers, and brushes.

How Does Hand Drawn Photoshop Action Work?

Hand drawn Photoshop action works by using various techniques and tools to create a sketch effect from a photo. Here are the basic steps that it follows:

  • It creates a new layer and names it "brush". This is where you will paint over the areas of your photo that you want to keep detailed in the sketch effect.

  • It selects a soft round brush with black color and lets you brush over your photo. You don't have to be precise, just cover the main features and elements that you want to highlight in your drawing.

  • It selects the background layer (your photo) and runs the action. It applies various filters, adjustments, and effects to create the sketch effect. It also creates a folder with several layers that control different aspects of the effect.

  • It lets you customize the effect by adjusting the layers. You can turn them on or off, change their opacity or blending mode, or modify their settings to achieve different results.

  • It lets you save your image as a new file. You can choose any format you like, but we recommend using PNG or PSD to preserve the transparency and quality of your image.

Why Should You Use Hand Drawn Photoshop Action?

There are many benefits of using hand drawn Photoshop action on your photos. Here are some of them:

  • You can save time and effort. Instead of spending hours with a pencil and paper, you can create stunning sketch effects in minutes with just a few clicks.

  • You can enhance your creativity. You can experiment with different styles and techniques and create unique artworks that will impress your audience.

  • You can improve your skills. You can learn how to use various tools and features in Photoshop and improve your editing and design skills.

  • You can have fun. You can enjoy the process of transforming your photos into sketches and see how they change before your eyes.

Examples of Hand Drawn Photoshop Action Effects

To give you some inspiration and ideas, here are some examples of hand drawn Photoshop action effects that you can find online:

  • Hand Drawn Pencil Sketch Photoshop Action. This action allows you to create pencil sketch drawings from your photos with a hand-drawn look and feel. It works perfectly with portraits as well as landscape photos of objects such as buildings.Download here.

  • Digital Sketch Photoshop Action. This action converts your photos into creative artworks using a mix of pencil sketching and watercolor effects. This action is best used for portrait photos.Download here.

  • Watercolor & Pencil Sketch Photoshop Action. This action makes your photos look like vintage paintings with this unique Photoshop action. This action also uses a mix of pencil sketch and watercolor brush effects to create a realistic painting-like effect.Download here.

Da Vinci Sketch Photoshop Action. This action allows you to show off your graphic designs and illustrations in

the style of DaVincis sketches. It allows you to make your photos,

  • artworks, and illustrations into hand-drawn sketches.Download here.

3D Sketch Photoshop Action. This action allows you to create a unique blueprint-like sketch from photos

and drawings. Its a great style of sketching to use when presenting

  • product designs and even showcasing your art from a unique perspective.Download here.


In this article, we have explained what hand drawn Photoshop action is, how it works, and why you should use it. We have also shown you some examples of hand drawn Photoshop action effects that you can download and use on your own photos.

We hope that this article has inspired you to try out these effects on your own

photos and create stunning artworks that will impress your audience.

If you have any questions or feedback about this article or hand drawn

Photoshop action effects in general, feel free to leave a comment below.

We would love to hear from you!

How to Optimize Your Photos for Hand Drawn Photoshop Action Effects?

Before you use hand drawn Photoshop action effects on your photos, you might want to optimize them for better results. Here are some tips on how to prepare your photos for the sketch effect:

  • Crop and resize your photos. You want to focus on the main subject and remove any unnecessary or distracting elements. You also want to make sure your photos have a high resolution (between 2000px and 4500px) for more details and clarity.

  • Adjust the brightness and contrast. You want to enhance the light and dark areas of your photos to create more depth and dimension. You can use the Levels or Curves adjustment tools in Photoshop to do this.

  • Sharpen your photos. You want to make the edges and outlines of your photos more crisp and defined. You can use the Sharpen or Unsharp Mask filters in Photoshop to do this.

  • Convert your photos to grayscale. You want to remove the colors from your photos to create a more realistic sketch effect. You can use the Black & White adjustment tool in Photoshop to do this.

How to Add Colors to Your Hand Drawn Photoshop Action Effects?

If you want to add some colors to your hand drawn Photoshop action effects, you can do so easily with some simple steps. Here are some ways to colorize your sketch effects:

  • Add a color overlay. You can add a solid color layer on top of your sketch effect and change its blending mode to Color, Hue, or Soft Light. You can also adjust its opacity to control the intensity of the color.

  • Add a gradient map. You can add a gradient map adjustment layer on top of your sketch effect and choose a preset or custom gradient that suits your style. You can also change its blending mode and opacity for different effects.

  • Add a photo texture. You can add a photo layer on top of your sketch effect and use it as a texture or background. You can also change its blending mode and opacity for different effects.

How to Create Your Own Hand Drawn Photoshop Action?

If you want to create your own hand drawn Photoshop action, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Create a new document in Photoshop and open your photo. You can use any photo you like, but make sure it has a good contrast and detail.

  • Duplicate your photo layer and name it "Sketch". Then go to Filter > Filter Gallery and choose Sketch > Photocopy. Adjust the Detail and Darkness sliders to create a black and white sketch effect. Click OK to apply the filter.

  • Duplicate the Sketch layer and name it "Texture". Then go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and add some noise to create a grainy texture. Change the blending mode of this layer to Multiply and lower its opacity to around 50%.

  • Create a new layer and name it "Shading". Then go to Edit > Fill and fill it with 50% gray. Change the blending mode of this layer to Overlay and lower its opacity to around 30%.

  • Select the Shading layer and go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects. Choose a spotlight type and adjust the intensity, focus, and angle to create some shadows and highlights on your sketch. Click OK to apply the effect.

  • Create a new layer and name it "Color". Then go to Image > Adjustments > Gradient Map and choose a gradient that suits your style. You can use a preset or create your own gradient. Change the blending mode of this layer to Color and lower its opacity to around 20%.

  • Select all the layers except the background layer and group them together. Name the group "Hand Drawn Effect".

  • Go to Window > Actions and create a new action. Name it "Hand Drawn Photoshop Action" and click Record.

  • Go to Layer > New > Layer Via Copy to duplicate the group. Name the copy "Hand Drawn Effect Copy".

  • Go to Layer > Merge Group to merge the copy group into one layer.

  • Go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All to add a layer mask to the merged layer.

  • Select a soft round brush with black color and paint over the areas of your photo that you want to erase from the sketch effect. You can also use white color to bring back some details if needed.

  • Stop recording the action by clicking on the stop button in the Actions panel.

Congratulations, you have created your own hand drawn Photoshop action! You can now use it on any photo you want by selecting it from the Actions panel and clicking on Play.

How to Troubleshoot Hand Drawn Photoshop Action Effects?

Sometimes, you might encounter some problems or errors when using hand drawn Photoshop action effects on your photos. Here are some common issues and how to fix them:

  • The action does not work or gives an error message. This might happen if you are using an incompatible version of Photoshop, a different language version of Photoshop, or a different file type than JPEG. To fix this, make sure you are using a supported version of Photoshop (CS3 or higher), an English version of Photoshop, and a JPEG file for your photo.

  • The sketch effect is too dark or too light. This might happen if your photo has a low contrast or brightness. To fix this, you can adjust the levels or curves of your photo before running the action, or you can tweak the settings of the layers after running the action.

  • The sketch effect is too detailed or too blurry. This might happen if your photo has a low resolution or quality. To fix this, you can resize your photo to a higher resolution (between 2000px and 4500px) before running the action, or you can sharpen or blur your photo after running the action.


In this article, we have covered everything you need to know about hand drawn Photoshop action effects. We have explained what they are, how they work, and why you should use them. We have also shown you some examples of hand drawn Photoshop action effects that you can download and use on your own photos. We have also given you some tips on how to optimize your photos for the sketch effect, how to add colors to your sketch effect, how to create your own hand drawn Photoshop action, and how to troubleshoot any issues that might arise.

We hope that this article has inspired you to try out these effects on your own photos and create stunning artworks that will impress your audience. Hand drawn Photoshop action effects are a great way to add artistic flair and personality to your images, as well as to have fun and experiment with different styles and techniques.

If you have any questions or feedback about this article or hand drawn Photoshop action effects in general, feel free to leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! 4e3182286b


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